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You want some booty? You better work for it…

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It’s all about the booty. And not just any booty, the perfect booty. And the perfect booty translates to perfectly round with just the appropriate amount of lift to give you that exact look of perfection in any pants, swimwear, shorts or leggings. That booty. The booty that has somehow become the must have for all women. The booty that you can supposedly have in 30 days. I mean with all the get fit quick programs out there, it’s hard not to pay attention. They scream that if you want some booty, you better work for it. Sometimes 3x a week. But If you do your squats, lunges, hip thrusts and band work, you can get there, and get that perfect booty that you want.

And just in case you don’t naturally have that booty, don’t worry because everywhere you look you will see advertisements for just how to get that perfect booty. Simply google booty lift and you will find an exponential amount of booty lifting gear that ranges from leggings and jeans to underwear to injections for the tushy. It’s amazing. I mean why am I bothering to do squats and lunges? I could just go buy some of these leggings or have my butt injected and call it day.

No butt injections here. But no J Lo booty either

And why the booty? Why can’t it be about the boobs? I have that area covered. I mean I was like born a DD. Try being 4’11and ¾ and carrying that rack around in high school, literally. I remember I used to tell the boys that they (my boobs) weren’t going to talk back to them. I was clever back then too. Anyway, back to the booty.

So why is it all about the booty? Or is it? I mean to have that perfect J Lo booty you need a little junk in your trunk, so starving yourself isn’t going to cut it. Wait, you mean it’s not about being stick thin and cutting calories? I thought that was in style too? Or was that last year? What about the legs, aren’t the legs in now? Like the super long runway model legs? The ones you get from being an avid runner. Perhaps we should run more? But that might shrink the booty. Oh, maybe the long shapely thin legs were last year. No no, its actually about having 6 pack abs, that’s definitely what’s in. No, I think the 6 pack abs were 3 months ago. And now that I think about it, maybe it is about the boobs too (thank goodness, I finally get a point), or is it? I’m getting confused here. Oh, and let us not forgot about the face. How about those plump lips? They are most certainly in, I think. And thank goodness we can buy plumping gloss pretty much everywhere we go. But is lip liner in or out with the plump lips? Hmm, not sure. Oh oh, and now I’m excited because lashes are in too! Yes! I have been waiting for this. Its like seeing human caterpillars on lady’s eyes, how exciting. It’s getting complicated. And exhausting. No wonder women are tired.


I am a firm believer in fitness, this is not a secret, and my dedication to fitness is what started my blogging. I am always going to work hard in the gym, and I am always going to do my best to eat healthy, because it makes me feel good. And with hard work, grit and determination, I will have a reasonably nice figure to follow. Reasonably. Because my goal in life is not to compete with all the new beauty fads out there or the body that someone else has. I wasn’t born with the J Lo booty, and guess what, no matter how hard I work, I will never have the J Lo booty. And I’m not spending my money on leggings that will falsely lift my booty so I can pretend to have something I don’t. And this goes the same with the sparkly lip plumping gross gloss, or crazy false eyelashes and whatever else is out there. When will the madness stop? Only when we make it stop.

I get wanting to be the best you, I preach it all the time. But trying to be and become someone you aren’t is not only a waste of your time that you can be spending on something else, but it becomes physically and mentally draining. You become so focused on building that perfect booty that you find yourself looking at your butt more times during the day then you do actually doing something meaningful that will make a difference in your life.

If you really want to work towards a better body, and more importantly, better health, be sensible about it. Don’t get caught up in the what’s hot trend because you will waste valuable time and money trying to keep up with a sense of perfection that is not only unachievable, but unhealthy.


Don’t Be A Trend Follower
People become show stoppers when they exhibit confidence. When they walk into a room like they own the place. When they have an ease, an air about them that other people can’t touch. When they smile in the presence of strangers to create a calm and when they aren’t afraid of making a mistake and owning it. When they can laugh at themselves without making fun of others. Those are the people that really set the trends.

I promise you that if you become a trend setter instead of a trend follower, people are going to be drawn to you for you, and not for your injected butt, false eyelashes, or plumping lip gloss.

So instead of being a trend follower, be a trend setter. March to your own beat, have your own style, and love your own body.


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Hi, my name is Cathy and I am excited to be part of what I hear is called the blogosphere. I’m 45 years old, mother of an absolutely amazing 23 year old daughter who is my inspiration for breathing and pretty much every thing else in this world, a dedicated fitness professional for the past 20 years, owner of 4.8.12™️ Fitness, and now a blogger joining the multitudes of others that have something to say. This blog is dedicated to bringing a fresh and honest perspective to life and just how much it relates to fitness. My intent is to connect with all readers in efforts to bring fitness, life and common sense all together in one.






5 Responses

  1. Thanks for reading. It’s hard always trying to keep up with all the new trends. Best to just work hard and feel good about yourself.

  2. Manda,
    We are all perfectly imperfect. Taking care of ourselves is key to feeling great without worrying about what everyone else looks like.

  3. Thanks Cathy for the reality check! I too, born with double D’s and no JLo booty. Great reminder to be the best version of myself. Xoxo

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